Friday, July 11, 2014

No veggies this summer... Or?

All of the plants I planted didn't survive. The garden kit I bought was too "efficient" for what I have of possibilities when it comes to replanting and giving them enough lights.
Mid May all the plants was outgrowing their small boxes and drying. So I made a rash decision and planted them all outside. Rash indeed. When the weather started to get warmer I had no plants at all, they were all dead. Except for my strawberries and oddly enough, some sort of "salad" I planted last year, either it was a returnee or leftover seeds from last year.

This plant failure made me pay less attention to the beds outside, and when I left for Denmark a remarkable growth of weeds were showing, and not very surprisingly they were still there when I got back, a month later.

I was very curious about what was growing, so I went through the beds very fast, only to find my self amazed. In the corner a treasure was blooming. Something I definitely had not expected and was pretty sure I didn't plant it right there.

In the far right corner a cluster of tomato plants are growing, and beginning to flower. So I decided to weed out the beds, who knows what other treasures it might be hiding?

The result looks kind of sad and empty, but strongly needed. And I found another treasure, I think. I found a spouse, of what I would think is a pepper plant. I looks like a pepper plant at least.

I dug it up and replanted it in the other end. I know it's really late for a pant that small to really produce anything, but I wanted to let it grow so I can see if it's really a pepper.

The tomato plants really needed the space and air it got, so now I am just waiting to see when the first tomato will show.

My "incident" with the free growing salad made me think of a new experiment I want to try for next summer. Well new and new, maybe just trying something different, and see how it goes.
When fall comes and all the plants are done, I want to fertilize the earth and then sow next years harvest. I might not work, in fact I am almost sure it wont, BUT if the salad could they why not the rest? Ans technically that is how Mother Nature usually goes around her business so, would say the odds are fairly good.

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