Wednesday, April 16, 2014


As you will notice when I cook or bake, there will be many generic brands, and my recipes will never say "you must use Farmer Joe's flour" (honestly I don't know if that even exist). Some might say certain brands taste better or healthier, and I won’t argue about that. But I understand that there are some who have a limited budget, my self included, to buy expensive ingredients.

I may use special ingredients, but mostly that is when I use Danish recipes, but I shall try and compensate and suggest what or how much to use of something similar you can buy in the store.

My only thumb rule when I do buy groceries is, try to avoid artificial flavoring and such. That is really not healthy for you. But I don’t care if you use organic vegetables, dairy products or meat; that is all your decision. I just know in a household of four, there are simply things too expensive to buy.
It's really strange for me to go into a store and see "Artificially flavored" on the foods, in Denmark that is very rare, and many people would not buy it, was it available. Even our candy is natural flavored, and not artificially. 

Same goes for fabrics and yarn. For my part I buy what feels nice and I don’t check if the sheep delivering the wool was organic, or if the cotton was grown organic, if the price is right I will buy it.

Don't misunderstand me and take me for someone who doesn't care about the environment because I do. I just don't have the privilege to pick and choose like that. 

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