Saturday, March 22, 2014

Planting the seeds

Last year I was a month or two behind, but not this time. This year I start early. Just hope spring will follow up =)

After a trip to Home Depot, I am ready to plant.

The coffee beans was a Christmas gift from one of my room mates, and I am really looking forward to see how that goes. It's a plant I need to do some more research about, but so far I know it's a plant I will have to bring in and out during night time in the late summer.

I've never tried a mushroom farm before either, but I love mushrooms, so why not, it was an easy 1,2,3 instruction so should be able to figure it out.

The greenhouse box I bought because I thought it was fancy, it's made out of re-usable materials and then it's self watering. It's okay to be lazy once in a while, and now I know my plants wont suffer if I happen to forget them. Also the box says it can be reused, so that was a huge bonus.
Most the time when I've been planting I use what I got. Meaning I will start my seeds in egg boxes and then plant them into plastic cups or empty milk bottles, and from there out side. And that works fine, no problem there, but this time I just wanted to try something different.

The first thing I did, was to take all the seeds that needs soaking for 24 hours. That means the coffee beans,
peas and green beans. Some may say the peas and beans doesn't need soaking, but every time I don't do it, nothing grows. So they get to soak!

So tomorrow they will be planted.

Then I opened the greenhouse and followed the instructions given there. It's really easy and easily understood when read. However the pellets in my box needed some encouragement to expand, that was the only issue I had with the greenhouse.

I planted broccoli, carrots ,cucumbers, green beans, 2 different lettuce, peas, peppers, and tomatoes.

For the moment my greenhouse is on the ground, but I will find a box to raise it a bit. That way I reduce

some of the cold air coming from the staircase.

Last planting of the day was the herbs. Again I bought a starter kit, but then I got the pots next time I need to plant new herbs. These had pellets too, and they just expanded perfectly.
Know this sounds stupid, but my mind was blown watching the water absorbed and poof dirt! Awesome...

I made a small trench, no deeper than from my fingertip to the first joint, and then I sprinkled the seeds in there. I don't count as I want my herbs to grow close and turn out to be more bushy.

As you can see there are plenty with seeds. Again some may say it's wrong, but it's been working just perfectly for me. So I keep doing it like that.

The end result with my herbs. However I wish the pack had more pots as the kit had six different herbs. I
don't know how well they would grow if I mixed the herbs. So I stuck with the ones we use the most.

After a job well done, I make a shoe box into my seed holder. I like to have some order, ans for now I don't have a whole lot to keep order in.

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