Tuesday, February 4, 2014

So what will happen in my creative corner?

This is where I get to share all my creative stuff with family, friends and you!

This will be a whole new experience for me, as I normally tend to be a very private person, but being so far away from family and my danish friends this was the best idea I could think of. I don't like using Facebook and not many of my friends use Google+, so a blog became my alternative.

Like I mentioned in my first two lines, anything can and will happen in this blog, and it will cover a very wide area. There will be post about sewing, knitting, gardening, cooking, baking, drawings and so on and so forth. Basically anything I thing is creative, I will share with you.

I realize that can make things a bit chaotic for you as a reader, but, I will be tagging all my posts so they will be organized under a main topic. For instant, when I post about knitting, I will make a tag called knitting and you can click on that and find all my knitting posts. So even if my main page may be a bit chaotic, there will be order.

Also I am quite aware that my layout is very generic, that will change. I just need to find THE right picture and such. But for now, I hope you can enjoy the layout as much as I do.

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